Raised Basement Remodel – What to do with that tiny little place?

Raised Basement Remodel – What to do with that tiny little place?

For more info on the genius who figured out how to transform this space… check out my husband, Bobby’s, website:  www.beckrenovations.com


Real Estate Muses Workshop: A Personal Development Workshop for Real Estate Agents Who Follow the Muse... Anne Beck is a local real estate broker with a passion for the unique lifestyle of New Orleans. This blog is a way of sharing the endless supply of humor and irony to be found around the city on any given day. Enjoy snippets of life around town, and some great tips for travelers and those seeking to join us as citizens of New Orleans. For info on buying or selling a home in NOLA , call Anne for a FREE evaluation of your home, or a FREE neighborhood price watch list for buyers. 504-812-4702 www.nolasinc.com