Bubble Dust

Bubble Dust
New Orleans Magic Bubble Dust

Just for fun, I’ve solved all the problems in the city – without a tax increase.   When you live in your own bubble, like I do, you can gloss over all the negative things you encounter in the streets with a simple, but effective, dose of denial.

What criminals?

What pot holes?

What traffic?

Or, if you need a little help mastering the art of denial and living in your own bubble, you can stop by our studio and pick up a FREE ration of Bubble Dust.   It gets your imagination flowing, and is way fun to sprinkle around the city on anything that begins to disturb your sunny reality.

Just toss a pinch on that sink hole in front of your house.   Let it float down on your next door neighbor’s yappy dog… maybe throw some at a meter maid.  Magically, the problems will disappear.

No, really.  If you BELIEVE that the Saints can win the Super Bowl, pigs can fly, etc… Bubble Dust will work for you.  I personally guarantee this.  If it does not work – return it to me for a full refund.

Anne Beck

Creator of Bubble Dust

Principal Broker at New Orleans Leasing and Sales, Inc. ( A real estate company inspired by YOU).

5922 Magazine St.   NOLA  70115




Real Estate Muses Workshop: A Personal Development Workshop for Real Estate Agents Who Follow the Muse... Anne Beck is a local real estate broker with a passion for the unique lifestyle of New Orleans. This blog is a way of sharing the endless supply of humor and irony to be found around the city on any given day. Enjoy snippets of life around town, and some great tips for travelers and those seeking to join us as citizens of New Orleans. For info on buying or selling a home in NOLA , call Anne for a FREE evaluation of your home, or a FREE neighborhood price watch list for buyers. 504-812-4702 www.nolasinc.com